Friday, July 13, 2012

10 Things that makes me happy!

Hi loves,

I have been lazy...Way too much to do ... My creative flow is all over the place , I continue to write , but still trying to control the huge amount of paper everywhere, wish I had a "writing butler" that cold follow me around writing all my ideas down and translate into a very organized form and publish it for me , I guess that is called the angel writer (please tell me that is an app for that?)

  1.  Friends: I have the most amazing friends , we believe in vows, in God, in wine, no judgement is that simple.
  2.  Tivo!
  3. My old fashion IPOD, music is a big part of my life.
  4.  Botox ( Yes I can and Yes I love it !).
  5. Yoga and my special mat (sometimes it makes me fly).
  6. Lazy cold days at home doing nothing...
  7. Cosmetic samples or any samples for that matter.
  8. My beloved Bella.
  9. Public transportation , $ 1.50 can take anywhere I need to go.
  10. Good memories.

That is all for today ,

Love and more love,


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